7 Magical Properties Of Agrimony

By Mark Piatt Published on June 19, 2024 Agrimony has historically been one of the cornerstones in protection rituals and healing ceremonies which has provided comfort since ancient times.  Agrimony is known for its unique ability to reverse hexes and curses and sending negative energy back to its source, making ...

15 Magical Properties Of Nettles

By Mark Piatt Published on March 3 2024 Nettles are revered in rituals for spiritual growth, love, and transformation, embodying powerful energies for personal and environmental harmony. Nettles holds a special place in my heart.  Back in 1987, I had started working at a small health food store here in ...

15 Magical Properties Of Mugwort

By Mark Piatt Published on February 28, 2024 This article will cover what mugwort is and how it relates to magic, its magical correspondence, a brief description of its top 15 magical or spiritual properties (although there are more), and a magical ritual you can perform for each magical property. ...

15 Magical Properties Of St John’s Wort?

By Mark Piatt Published on February 28, 2024 This article will cover what St. John's wort is and how it relates to magic, its magical correspondence, a brief description of its top 15 magical or spiritual properties (although there are more), a magical ritual you can perform for each magical ...

15 Magical Properties Of Spearmint?

By Mark Piatt Published on February 15, 2024 Spearmint's metaphysical healing qualities are sought after for soothing both physical and emotional ailments, promoting well-being. In matters of the heart, spearmint aids in attracting and nurturing relationships, while its clarity-boosting properties enhance wisdom and decision-making. The herb's alignment with the Air ...

How To Use Yarrow In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Published on February 8, 2024 Yarrow's use in love spells and rituals stems from its symbolic association with deep emotional healing, making it ideal for mending relationships and fostering understanding between partners. Yarrow is also believed to enhance psychic abilities and facilitate divination rituals.  This can make ...

How To Use Vanilla In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Published on February 5, 2024 I think for most of us, the smell of vanilla is magical.  The use of vanilla in love-related practices is not only about harnessing its delightful scent but also about tapping into its symbolic meanings of warmth, comfort, and joy. By incorporating ...

How To Use Thyme In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 31, 2024 Thyme's association with psychic awareness and purification makes it ideal for rituals aiming to clear past emotional baggage and enhance intuitive connections between partners. Its use reflects a deep reverence for the natural world's power to influence and mirror human emotional states. ...

How To Use Sweet Peas In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 26, 2024 Sweet Pea's sweet scent is believed to attract and enhance romantic feelings, making them ideal for drawing in love and deepening affection. Used in bouquets or rituals, they convey messages of tender love and can aid in fostering harmony and mutual understanding ...

How To Use Rosemary In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 25, 2024 Rosemary is revered in love magick for its symbolism and traditional associations. Rosemary is holistically used in love magick by encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects to enhance and attract love. Its rich, aromatic presence and deep symbolic meanings contribute to various ...

How To Use Rose In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 24, 2024 Roses are revered in love magick for their strong association with emotions and deep symbolic and metaphysical meanings. The rose's various colors are employed in spells and potions, each hue conveying specific emotional intentions: Historically, roses have been a universal symbol of ...

How To Use Red Clover In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 17, 2024 Be aware that red clover does not have the same magickal properties as white clover. White clover is commonly associated with bringing good fortune, especially in financial matters, and is thought to ward off negative energies. Today, in Wicca and other neopagan ...

How To Use Patchouli In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 12, 2024 Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) is a fragrant herb in the mint family with a deep, earthy, and musky aroma. It has long been a staple in various spiritual and magickal practices, especially in love and lust magick. In these rituals, it's primarily used ...

How To Use Orris Root In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 11, 2024 Orris Root (along with its unique and pleasant scent) is derived from a labor-intensive process from the rhizome of a certain species of the iris plant, mainly Iris germanica, Iris florentina, and Iris pallida. Orris root (also known as Queen Elizabeth's Root) ...

How To Use Myrtle In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 9, 2024 Myrtle holds significant spiritual meaning in love magick, deeply rooted in various cultural and mythological traditions. Also, myrtle's pleasant fragrance and evergreen leaves make it physically appealing. In love magick, these holistic and physical traits are believed to attract and hold love, ...

How To Use Mugwort In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 8, 2024 Mugwort's use in love magick by witches and Wiccans is steeped in a rich history that intertwines herbalism with spiritual beliefs. Traditionally revered for its connection to the divine feminine and lunar energies, mugwort has been a staple in witchcraft for centuries. ...

How To Use Lemon Balm In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 5, 2024 Lemon balm has a rich history in love magick across various cultures.  Its widespread use in various forms of love magick underscores lemon balm's enduring association with romance, emotional healing, and the strengthening of bonds. The pleasant, uplifting aroma plays a powerful ...

How To Use Lavender In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on December 20, 2023 Lavender, cherished in love magick and rituals, symbolizes love and purity. Its soothing fragrance is used in love spells, often paired with roses, to attract and strengthen romantic bonds. Its calming scent is thought to open the heart, fostering an atmosphere of ...

How To Use Jasmine In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on December 14, 2023 Its sweet, intoxicating scent is believed to attract and enhance love, making jasmine a popular choice for romantic settings and ceremonies. Aesthetically, jasmine's delicate white flowers symbolize purity and innocence, adding to its appeal in love-related practices. In many traditions, jasmine is ...

How To Use Ginger In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on December 14, 2023 Ginger (Zingiber officinale), a powerful and aromatic root, has been used for centuries in various cultural practices, including love magick, spells, and rituals. Its use in these contexts stems from its distinct properties and symbolism, often associated with passion, energy, and warmth. ...

How To Use Fennel In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on December 12, 2023 While working at Vitality Unlimited, a local health food store here in Santa Fe, NM, I used to enjoy packaging fennel seeds.  I love licorice, and since fennel seeds taste like licorice, I would always put a small amount of seeds to ...

How To Use Damiana In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on December 11, 2023 Often incorporated into love potions, burned as incense, utilized in tantra magick, or carried in amulets, its metaphysical properties are key in rituals to kindle romance and intensify sexual experiences. Additionally, in traditional folklore, damiana is used in various love rituals, which ...

How To Use Cinnamon In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on December 7, 2023 Cinnamon is my all-time favorite spice.  I always have cinnamon candy somewhere in the house. Cinnamon, a spice known for its warm, sweet aroma, plays a significant role in love magick, rituals, and potions across various cultures such as Wicca and Hoodoo. ...

How To Use Catnip In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on December 7, 2023 While these metaphysical practices are part of folk magick and have no scientific backing, they hold symbolic significance for many people and are used as a means of focusing intentions and desires in the realm of love and relationships. In this article, ...

How To Use Basil In Love Magic And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on December 1, 2023 Basil is believed to possess magickal properties that can enhance feelings of love and harmony. In love spells, basil is often used to strengthen bonds, attract new love, or mend broken relationships. Its use in rituals can involve carrying basil as a ...

How To Use Apples In Love Spells And Rituals?

By Mark Piatt Updated on November 29, 2023 This fruit has been a powerful tool in various cultures and traditions to enhance romantic relationships, attract love, and even predict one's romantic future. Apples are seen as symbols of love, fidelity, fertility, marriage, sexuality, beauty, vanity, wisdom, and immortality. I remember ...

Top 21 Herbs Used For Love Magic and Rituals

By Mark Piatt Updated on November 20, 2023 This article covers the top 21 herbs used in love magic, love spells, and love rituals.  Herbs such as these, have traditional meanings or associations with love, passion, and attraction. Love magick is a branch of magick or spellwork that focuses on ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Juniper?

By Mark Piatt Updated on November 3, 2023 The magical properties of juniper have long held a revered place in magickal and spiritual practices across various cultures.  Traditionally, juniper is primarily used for protection and purification. I will be discussing in detail each of these magickal properties and will include ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Bay Leaves?

By Mark Piatt Updated on November 8 2023 The magical properties of bay leaves (sometimes referred to as laurel), from the bay laurel tree (Laurus nobilis), have been cherished for millennia in witchcraft and other magickal practices.  Traditionally used for protection, bay leaves are believed to ward off negative energy.  ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Amber?

By Mark Piatt Updated on September 19, 2023 The magical properties of amber are revered in magick for its protection, healing, and grounding properties.  Often worn as amulets, amber is believed to ward off negativity, enhance memory, and connect with ancient energies.  Its warm glow symbolizes transformation and life force. ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Basil?

By Mark Piatt Updated on November 4, 2023 The magical properties of basil are known for their versatile applications in magick, from protection spells to attracting love and wealth.  This makes basil a staple in many magickal practices. Whether used in mojo bags, sachets, or infused oils, basil remains a ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Lemons?

By Mark Piatt Updated on September 11, 2023 The magical properties of lemons are revered in magick for their purification and protection characteristics.  Their vibrant hue symbolizes positivity, making them ideal for banishing negativity.  Lemons cleanse spaces and auras, and in many traditions, aid in love spells, boost psychic abilities, ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Spruce?

By Mark Piatt Updated on September 5, 2023 The magical properties of spruce trees represent protection, resilience, and endurance.  Revered in spiritual traditions, spruce signifies rebirth and connection to the Divine and is often used in winter rituals.  Its needles, bark, and resin purify spaces and dispel negative energies.  While ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Grapefruit?

By Mark Piatt Updated on August 30, 2023 Like all citrus fruits, the magical properties of grapefruit carry a wealth of magickal uses.  Cleansing, protection, and enhancing psychic abilities are some of the more popular magickal uses of grapefruit. Created from an illicit cross-breeding between a pomelo and an orange ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Patchouli?

By Mark Piatt Updated on August 25, 2023 The magical properties of patchouli carry a wealth of symbolic meanings that have been utilized in many different traditions and contexts.  With its deep and earthy scent, patchouli is a powerful herb in magickal contexts. But these are not the only magickal ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Oranges?

By Mark Piatt Updated on August 21, 2023 The magical properties of oranges carry significant symbolic and spiritual elements across different traditions.  Besides being known for providing positive uplifting energy, oranges are often used in various spells and rituals including cleansing, love, prosperity, creativity, and solar rites.   Like many other ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Jasmine?

By Mark Piatt Updated on August 14, 2023 The magical properties of jasmine have a most intoxicating scent that is alluring to many.  This enchanting aroma can evoke strong spiritual and magickal responses associated with love, romance, and pleasant dreams, and can lead to a strong spiritual connection. The name ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Ylang Ylang?

By Mark Piatt Updated on August 9, 2023 In spiritual and magickal practices, the magical properties of ylang ylang result from the exotic and fragrant scent of the flower.  The scent from ylang ylang is believed to promote love and romance, is used to enhance intuition, and is used in ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Eucalyptus?

By Mark Piatt Updated on July 28, 2023 In folklore and magickal circles, the magical properties of eucalyptus are often associated with protection, purification, banishing, and spiritual well-being.  Since ancient times, eucalyptus has been used to call on the spirit of the koala bear. When I think of eucalyptus, I ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Sandalwood?

By Mark Piatt Updated on July 18, 2023 In folklore and magickal circles, the magical properties of sandalwood are often associated with protection, purification, consecration, and spiritual growth.  Since ancient times, sandalwood has been considered a "holy" incense that is pleasing to the gods. Considered one of the most sacred ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Lavender?

By Mark Piatt Updated on June 14, 2023 In folklore and magickal circles, the magical properties of lavender are often used for dreaming, psychic enhancement, protection, banishing and cleansing, and spirit communication. Since the beginning of recorded history, lavender has been revered for its heavenly scent and magickal properties.  Because ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Mandrake Root?

By Mark Piatt Updated on April 18, 2023 In magickal circles, the magical properties of mandrake root are often used for binding spells, uncrossing spells, flying ointments, hexes, and protection from possession.  A mandrake root can be displayed on a fireplace mantle to bring success, wealth, and joy into your ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Chamomile?

By Mark Piatt Updated on March 29, 2023 In magickal circles, the magical properties of chamomile are often used for protection, purification, and luck.  Chamomile is one of the nine sacred herbs in Anglo-Saxon traditional Witchcraft. What is chamomile? Chamomile is a member of the Asteraceae family, the second-largest plant ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of White Sage?

By Mark Piatt Updated on February 17, 2023 In magickal circles, the magical properties of white sage (Salvia apiana) are often associated with purification and cleansing rituals.  Burning white sage can cleanse your aura or can help to release negative energy.   White sage is a member of the mint family ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Myrrh?

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 28, 2023 In magickal circles, the magical properties of myrrh are often associated with purification and cleansing rituals.  Myrrh is also used for protection against negative energies and to protect against psychic attacks.  Often, myrrh is combined with frankincense in rituals related to banishing. ...

16 Essential Oils For Protection

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 23, 2023 In magickal circles, many essential oils have powerful protective properties that can keep negative energies at bay.  These 16 essential oils I will look at can be used to protect and cleanse yourself or a space of negative energy either on their ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Rosemary?

By Mark Piatt Updated on October 30, 2023 In magickal and spiritual circles, rosemary is often used for protection, purification, cleansing, and love spells.  The magical properties of rosemary can also be used to create spells for ridding jealousy and fidelity issues.  Of the many herbs out there, rosemary is ...

What Are The Magical Properties Of Ginger?

Clary sage has many properties that play a potent role in magickal circles. These properties include assisting in opening up your third eye, enhancing your dream state, increasing the ability to enhance clairvoyance and prophecy, revealing the hidden, and inducing trance and meditative states.

What Are The Magical Properties Of Cinnamon?

Clary sage has many properties that play a potent role in magickal circles. These properties include assisting in opening up your third eye, enhancing your dream state, increasing the ability to enhance clairvoyance and prophecy, revealing the hidden, and inducing trance and meditative states.

What Are The 15 Magical Properties Of Cloves?

Clary sage has many properties that play a potent role in magickal circles. These properties include assisting in opening up your third eye, enhancing your dream state, increasing the ability to enhance clairvoyance and prophecy, revealing the hidden, and inducing trance and meditative states.

What Are The Magical Properties Of Frankincense?

Clary sage has many properties that play a potent role in magickal circles. These properties include assisting in opening up your third eye, enhancing your dream state, increasing the ability to enhance clairvoyance and prophecy, revealing the hidden, and inducing trance and meditative states.

What Are The Magical Properties Of Clary Sage?

Clary sage has many properties that play a potent role in magickal circles. These properties include assisting in opening up your third eye, enhancing your dream state, increasing the ability to enhance clairvoyance and prophecy, revealing the hidden, and inducing trance and meditative states.

What Are The 6 Magical Properties Of Cedarwood?

As a general rule, cedarwood has magical and spiritual powers that include 6 main properties: Purification Banish negative energy Reverse or halt a spell or hex Used for protection Rebirth and regeneration Attracts power and money

What Are The Magical Properties Of Peppermint?

As a general rule, peppermint has magical and spiritual powers that include 9 Main Properties: Ability to cleanse Promotes clarity Provides protection Promotes healing Increases intuition and psychic abilities Promotes visions and dreams Incites love Attracts money and prosperity Assists with healing

What Are The Magical Properties Of Tea Tree?

The magical properties of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) have long been used by the deeply mystical Australian Aborigines. They have used tea tree for both its medicinal and ceremonial powers and tea tree’s ability to cure various spiritual ailments. The Aborigines claim that water and land around the areas where ...

What Are The 10 Most Aromatic Herbs Used For?

By Mark Piatt Updated on July 22, 2022 What are the 10 most aromatic herbs used for? You may be surprised by all the different ways aromatic herbs are used.  Sure, the first uses of these herbs that may come to mind are in cooking, teas, or essential oils, but ...

The Best Essential Oil Diffusers For Your Office

By Mark Piatt Updated on June 26, 2022 This article is about how to choose the best essential oil diffusers for your office.   The best essential oil diffusers for your office will vary depend on a variety of factors including: We will briefly look at each one of these situations ...

The Best Essential Oils For Gamers

By Mark Piatt Updated on June 21, 2022 I love video games.  For those of us who play video games, we are always looking for that little something that gives us an edge.  Let us discuss the best essential oils for gamers. Do essential oils provide me with any advantage ...

“All” Glass Ultrasonic Diffusers

By Mark Piatt Updated on June 13, 2022 All glass ultrasonic diffusers are not easy to come by.  Sure, if you do a search for glass diffusers, you will come up with pages and pages of “glass” diffusers.  But when you look more closely, you will see the outer part ...

17 Essential Oils With Magical Dream Properties

By Mark Piatt Updated on April 19, 2022 Can essential oils make you dream? The magical dream properties of essential oils are not just magical but are real. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence and some science to back up the fact that smells can contribute to your dreaming. If ...

Hidden Dangers In Essential Oils

By Mark Piatt Updated on July 28, 2021 Despite the hidden dangers in essential oils, they have become a multi-billion dollar industry.   Maybe you are using them as an alternative to commercial fragrances or just to make your home smell good.  Or perhaps, you are using them to help ...

Are Essential Oils Safe For Fish?

By Mark Piatt Updated on June 15, 2021 Updated June 2022 Since many people use essential oils on themselves and sometimes their pets to treat various conditions, you may be wondering if essential oils are safe to use on fish or around fish.  Since I am a tropical fish owner ...

Cleaning With Essential Oils – Backed Up By Science

By Mark Piatt Updated on June 3, 2021 Does science support the fact that essential oils can be used to clean, disinfect, and purify our homes?  Science has shown that some essential oils can be used to clean, disinfect, and purify our spaces.  After aromatherapy, using essential oils to clean ...

Essential Oils For Mosquito Bites

By Mark Piatt Updated on April 13, 2021 Using essential oils for mosquito bites can be highly effective when used correctly, especially If you do not wish to use medications such as cortisone, antihistamine, or lotions loaded with chemicals. If you are like me, I am a mosquito magnet and ...

The Truth About Therapeutic Essential Oils

By Mark Piatt Updated on March 7, 2021 There is a great deal of confusion and misinformation on the internet concerning therapeutic essential oils.  So, who is right and who is wrong? Well, let us set the truth straight.  If you look for essential oils on the internet, you may ...

Is the Plastic in Essential Oil Diffusers Toxic?

By Mark Piatt Updated on February 17, 2021 Is the Plastic in Essential Oil Diffusers Toxic? If you purchase a diffuser made of medical-grade plastic, then your diffuser should be toxic-free.  But, since plastics can differ between manufacturers, it is not a guarantee that your diffuser is not leaching toxic ...

10 Reasons Why You Might Not Smell Essential Oils

By Mark Piatt Updated on February 1, 2021 Have you ever wondered why you might not be smelling your essential oils? So, you or someone purchased an ultrasonic essential oil diffuser and you are excited to use it.  The diffuser instructions say it will last 8 hours per refill and ...

How Many Pounds Of Material Does It Take To Make Essential Oils

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 22, 2021 How many pounds of raw material does it take to make essential oils?  In this article, we will explore this question and I think many of you may be surprised by the answer.  By now we all should know that essential oils ...

10 Warm and Cozy Essential Oils

By Mark Piatt Updated on January 2, 2021 So, you want your home to have that warm and cozy feeling, you know the type I am talking about.  You know there are some homes you walk into and can instantly tell it is a warm and inviting home.  Much of ...

15 Magical Properties of Essential Oils

When I started researching magical properties of essential oils, it was tough to find a place that would list the magical properties and then the essential oils that would fall under those properties. So, in this article, I will be listing some of the more popular magical properties of essential ...

10 Essential Oils For Men

By Mark Piatt Updated on October 12, 2020   Ok guys, when you think of essential oils, you usually think of your wife or girlfriend using a diffuser in the restroom, bedroom, or maybe the living room to get rid of the “manly” aromas.  She fills up the house with ...

Ingesting Essential Oils: Myths & Truths

By Mark Piatt Updated on September 20, 2020 Way back when I first started using essential oils and researching them, I discovered they could supposedly cure all sorts of illnesses by not just inhaling them, but by ingesting the essential oils.  But as I continued to learn and do my ...

A Guide To Purchasing a Diffuser For A Large Room

By Mark Piatt Updated on September 7, 2020 Can a diffuser be used in a large room? Here at my house, we have diffusers in most of the rooms.  We do not have extremely large rooms, but the diffusers we have work fine in these rooms.  Surfing around the internet, ...

The Best Type Of Diffuser To Make Your Bathroom Smell Nice

By Mark Piatt Updated on August 31, 2020 Updated May 2022. After experimenting with a variety of essential oil diffusers in the bathroom, I decided to write this post and share with you why I discovered the best type of diffusers to use in the bathroom are fan-based diffusers and ...

Essential Oils For Odor Elimination

By Mark Piatt Updated on August 22, 2020 Using essential oils for odor elimination is a natural way of masking and eliminating those harsh odors using nothing more than essential oils and maybe some water. Odor elimination is a multi-billion dollar business.  Most products mask odors while others eliminate the ...

Pine Needle Oil

By Mark Piatt Updated on August 8, 2020 Classified as a top note, Pine Needle essential oil has a refreshing aroma that has uplifting and purifying properties.  It has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of medical ailments including respiratory, muscular, and joint conditions.  Pine Needle essential ...

The Best 8 Essential Oils To Repel Spiders

By Mark Piatt Updated on June 5, 2020   Their creepiness brings instant fear to many people even if most spiders are mostly harmless.  But spiders are critical in sustaining our ecosystem, so if you are interested in only repelling them, then essential oils may be an option. My personal ...

What Are Essential Oil Diffusers?

By Mark Piatt Updated on April 25, 2019 So, you may be finding yourself asking "what are essential oil diffusers?" You may have heard of them but do not know what a diffuser is or how it works.  Let us take a few minutes and learn what are essential oil ...

What Are Essential Oils?

By Mark Piatt Updated on April 23, 2019 You have heard of these things called essential oils, but what are essential oils? Ever wonder why roses smell like roses or oranges smell like oranges?  Recently people have started to discover that we are living in a toxic environment.  It seems ...