7 Magical Properties Of Buckthorn

7 magical properties of buckthorn

By Mark Piatt

Published on January 20, 2025

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The magical properties of buckthorn have made it a cherished plant in spiritual and magical practices for centuries. Known for its dark berries and thorny branches, this shrub or small tree from the Rhamnaceae family embodies protection, purification, and transformation.

Buckthorn’s enduring legacy in magic stems from its versatility and potency, offering practitioners a powerful ally for navigating challenges, enhancing prosperity, and fostering spiritual clarity.

Rooted in historical traditions and embraced by modern occult groups, buckthorn continues to bridge ancient wisdom with contemporary practices, making it a cornerstone in the magical arts.

Historically, buckthorn has been revered as a plant of protection and power.

buckthorn hung over doorways and windows in medieval Europe

In medieval Europe, its thorny branches were hung over doors and windows to keep out evil spirits, witches, and curses. This tradition arose from the belief that its sharp thorns could create both physical and metaphysical barriers against harm.

Folklore also highlights buckthorns healing properties; its bark and berries were used in herbal remedies to treat ailments, aligning the plant with themes of renewal and recovery.

Ancient Druids considered buckthorn sacred, employing it in rituals to dispel negativity and foster a connection with divine energies, cementing its place in magical traditions.

Table of buckthorn’s history in the occult world.

Mobile users – If you can not see the entire table, you can scroll left and right

Time PeriodWho Used ItPurpose
Ancient Druidic EraDruidsBanishing negativity, connecting with divine energies, and spiritual rituals.
Medieval EuropeFolk healers and common peopleProtection against evil spirits, witches, and curses; hung above doors/windows.
RenaissanceAlchemists and herbalistsHealing and purification; included in poultices and remedies.
17th CenturyEarly modern witchcraft practitionersDefensive magic and protection spells; used in talismans and amulets.
19th CenturyVictorian occultistsSpiritual cleansing and divination practices; promoted clarity and focus.
Modern PaganismWiccans and modern witchesProtection, prosperity, and binding rituals; featured in spell jars and charms.
Contemporary EraHedge witches and spiritual seekersJustice, legal success, and intuition enhancement in ritual and meditation.

In modern times, buckthorn continues to play a key role in various spiritual practices, including Wicca, hedge witchery, and modern Paganism.

Buckthorn’s primary magical property is protection. Its thorns symbolize a natural barrier, making it ideal for talismans and spell jars to shield against negative energies. Carrying dried berries or hanging branches near entryways offers safety and security.

Purification is another key attribute of buckthorn. It is burned as incense to dispel negativity and restore balance, aligning with its historical role in banishing malevolent forces.

Buckthorn is valued for its connection to justice and legal success. Its energy promotes fairness, making it useful in spells to resolve disputes or achieve favorable court outcomes. Carrying its berries or placing them with legal documents enhances the chance of a just resolution.

Buckthorn is also linked to prosperity, attracting financial success and growth. Practitioners often combine its berries with cinnamon or basil in money-drawing spells or place them on altars dedicated to abundance.

Buckthorn supports healing and renewal, aiding physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery. A bath infused with its leaves or bark promotes rejuvenation and balance.

Known for enhancing intuition, buckthorn deepens spiritual awareness and connection during meditation or divination practices. Its energy fosters clarity and strengthens psychic abilities.

The thorns from buckthorn are symbolic in binding and banishing spells, restricting harmful influences and removing toxic energies. Additionally, its association with fairness makes it a key ingredient in spells for justice, often used to promote favorable outcomes in disputes or legal matters.

Incorporating buckthorn into your practice can be as simple as creating a protective charm, burning it for purification, or using it in prosperity rituals.

Its multifaceted energy supports practitioners in navigating challenges, attracting abundance, and maintaining spiritual clarity.

With its rich history and enduring relevance, buckthorn remains a potent and reliable ally in the magical arts.

7 Top Spiritual Properties of buckthorn pin

Please continue reading this article for a more in-depth discussion about the magical and spiritual properties of buckthorn.  Included will be the following:

  • Magical correspondence of buckthorn
  • A detailed discussion about the 7 most important magical and spiritual properties of buckthorn
  • 7 different forms of buckthorn you can use in your rituals
  • 7 example spells and rituals that use buckthorn
  • Precautions you need to be aware of when using buckthorn
  • A summary of 10 additional magical and spiritual properties of buckthorn
  • Some other goodies

Buckthorn‘s Magical Correspondence

Gender AlignmentMale
Elemental AssociationEarth, Water
Solar System AssociationMars, Jupiter
Astrological Sign AssociationAries, Scorpio
Deity AssociationsThor (protection and strength), Hecate (witchcraft and crossroads), Hermes (communication and boundaries), Freya (magic and love), Morrigan (war and transformation), Apollo (healing and prophecy), Brigid (healing and creativity)
Chakra AssociationsRoot Chakra (grounding and stability), Solar Plexus Chakra (personal power and protection)
Crystal AssociationsBlack Tourmaline (protection), Obsidian (grounding), Carnelian (courage)
Seasonal AssociationsAutumn
Special PowersProtection, purification, prosperity, banishing negativity, healing, legal success, and spiritual guidance
Folk NamesWaythorn, Hartshorn, Arrowwood, Black Dogwood, Purging Thorn, Rhamnus, Ram's Horn

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7 Magical And Spiritual Properties Of Buckthorn

1. Magical And Spiritual Protection Properties Of Buckthorn

buckthorn with magical and spiritual protection imagery

Buckthorn is renowned for its powerful protective properties, making it a staple in magical and spiritual practices. Its sharp thorns symbolize a natural barrier, offering metaphysical defense against negativity, harmful entities, and psychic attacks.

Historically, buckthorn was hung over doors and windows in medieval Europe to ward off evil spirits, witches, and curses, a practice that underscores its deep-rooted association with safety and shielding.

Modern practitioners use buckthorn in various forms to create protective wards.

Dried buckthorn berries are often placed in sachets, spell jars, or talismans and carried to repel harmful energies. Hanging the branches from buckthorn near entryways or surrounding a space with its thorns creates a powerful energetic boundary. Burning buckthorn in purification rituals allows its smoke to cleanse and protect both spaces and individuals, driving away lingering negativity.

Spiritually, buckthorn’s protective energy aligns with themes of grounding and stability.

Buckthorn is particularly effective in rituals designed to maintain a safe and sacred environment. The plant also helps fortify the practitioner’s personal aura, acting as an energetic shield against external influences.

Whether through physical charms, smoke cleansing, or meditation, buckthorn provides a robust defense, making it a trusted ally in magical traditions.

2. Magical And Spiritual Purification Properties Of Buckthorn

buckthorn with magical and spiritual purification imagery

The magical properties of buckthorn are highly regarded, especially for its potent purification abilities, making it an essential tool in magical and spiritual practices. Historically, buckthorn was used to cleanse both spaces and individuals of negativity and harmful energies. During medieval times, its thorny branches were placed above doors and windows, serving not only as protection but also as a means to purify the area of any lingering malevolent forces.

Modern practitioners often burn buckthorn in cleansing rituals, using its smoke to dispel negativity and restore energetic balance. This practice is particularly effective in spaces that feel heavy or stagnant, as the plant’s energy works to clear away spiritual debris. Buckthorn is also incorporated into smudge bundles alongside other cleansing herbs like sage or rosemary, amplifying its purifying effects.

Buckthorn’s energy resonates deeply with renewal, making it a powerful component in spiritual baths. By adding its dried leaves or bark to the water, practitioners can cleanse their aura and refresh their spirit. Buckthorn is also used in amulets or spell jars designed to purify one’s surroundings and protect against further negativity.

Whether through smoke cleansing, spiritual baths, or ritual work, buckthorn’s purification energy helps practitioners create clean and sacred spaces, promoting clarity, balance, and spiritual harmony.

3. Magical And Spiritual Legal Success Properties Of Buckthorn

buckthorn with magical and spiritual legal success imagery

Buckthorn is widely associated with justice and legal success in magical and spiritual traditions. Its energy aligns with fairness, balance, and the restoration of order, making it a key component in spells and rituals designed to resolve disputes or secure favorable outcomes in legal matters.

Historically, buckthorn’s symbolic power was recognized as a force for equity, often incorporated into charms and practices to promote fair resolutions.

Modern practitioners utilize buckthorn in various ways to influence legal situations.

Its berries are frequently carried as a talisman or placed alongside legal documents to attract justice and fairness. Spell jars, combining buckthorn with other ingredients like bay leaves for wisdom and black salt for protection, are crafted to strengthen one’s position in legal proceedings. This practice reflects the belief that the plant’s grounding and protective energy can stabilize chaotic circumstances and ensure a fair outcome.

Buckthorn’s connection to justice extends beyond legal disputes, offering support in any situation requiring clarity, fairness, or balanced resolution. It is often used in rituals or meditations to focus intentions on achieving just results.

Whether carried as an amulet, burned in ritual, or used symbolically, buckthorn remains a trusted ally for those seeking to navigate legal challenges with confidence and integrity.

4. Magical And Spiritual Prosperity And Abundance Properties Of Buckthorn

buckthorn with magical and spiritual prosperity and abundance imagery

Buckthorn is revered for its ability to attract prosperity and abundance, making it a valuable tool in magical and spiritual practices aimed at financial growth and success. Its energy is deeply tied to themes of wealth, opportunity, and flourishing, providing a strong foundation for spells and rituals seeking to enhance material and spiritual abundance.

In historical practices, buckthorn was used as a symbol of fertility and growth, reflecting its association with bountiful harvests and financial stability.

Today, practitioners often incorporate the berries from buckthorn into spell jars, sachets, or charm bags specifically crafted to draw money and opportunities. These berries are frequently combined with other prosperity-aligned ingredients, such as basil for wealth and cinnamon for success, to amplify their effects.

Buckthorn is also placed on altars dedicated to abundance, either as a focal point or in offerings to deities associated with wealth and prosperity.

Its grounding energy helps align the practitioner’s intentions with tangible results, ensuring a steady flow of financial and energetic growth. Meditating with buckthorn or including it in rituals focused on career advancement or business success can enhance focus and clarity.

Whether used in spellwork, carried as a charm, or displayed on an altar, buckthorn serves as a powerful ally in manifesting prosperity and abundance.

5. Magical And Spiritual Healing And Renewal Properties Of Buckthorn

buckthorn with magical and spiritual healing and renewal imagery

Buckthorn is a powerful ally in magical and spiritual practices for healing and renewal. Its energy is deeply connected to rejuvenation, making it an ideal plant for addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Historically, buckthorn’s bark and berries were used in herbal remedies to treat ailments, symbolizing its alignment with recovery and restoration.

Modern practitioners harness buckthorn’s healing properties in rituals designed to refresh the mind, body, and spirit. Spiritual baths infused with dried buckthorn leaves or bark are a popular method for cleansing and renewal.

As practitioners soak, they visualize the plant’s energy washing away fatigue, stress, and negativity, leaving them recharged and balanced. Buckthorn is also incorporated into amulets or charm bags to promote ongoing healing and resilience.

Meditating with buckthorn can aid emotional renewal, helping release lingering pain or grief and fostering inner peace. Its grounding energy stabilizes the spirit, allowing for clearer focus and emotional clarity.

In rituals for spiritual growth, buckthorn supports transformation, helping practitioners let go of old patterns and embrace new beginnings.

Whether through baths, meditations, or ritual work, buckthorn’s energy encourages healing on all levels, offering practitioners the strength and balance needed to move forward with renewed vitality and purpose.

6. Magical And Spiritual Guidance And Vision Properties Of Buckthorn

buckthorn with magical and spiritual guidance and vision imagery

Buckthorn is highly valued for its ability to enhance spiritual guidance and vision, making it an essential tool for practitioners seeking deeper intuition and connection to higher realms. Its energy is closely tied to clarity and focus, helping to illuminate spiritual paths and uncover hidden truths.

Historically, buckthorn was used by mystics and seers in rituals to access divine guidance, emphasizing its role as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.

In modern practices, buckthorn is often incorporated into meditation and divination rituals to strengthen psychic abilities and improve intuitive insight.

Practitioners may burn its berries or leaves as incense during tarot readings, scrying sessions, or pendulum work to clear mental distractions and create a sacred space for receiving messages from the divine. Buckthorn’s grounding energy also provides stability, ensuring that spiritual visions remain clear and actionable.

Carrying buckthorn berries as a talisman or adding them to charm bags can help maintain a strong connection to spiritual guidance throughout daily life.

Its presence supports intuitive decision-making and the interpretation of subtle signs and omens.

Whether used in rituals, carried as a charm, or meditated with, buckthorn empowers practitioners to align with their inner wisdom and the guidance of higher forces.

7. Magical And Spiritual Binding And Control Properties Of Buckthorn

buckthorn with magical and spiritual binding and control imagery

Buckthorn is a potent tool for magical and spiritual practices involving binding and control, thanks to its sharp thorns and protective energy. Its symbolism as a natural barrier makes buckthorn highly effective in rituals designed to restrict harmful influences, prevent chaos, or assert control over unruly energies.

Historically, buckthorn’s thorns were believed to block malevolent spirits and intentions, a belief carried into modern practices that focus on maintaining order and boundaries.

In binding spells, buckthorn is often used to limit the actions of individuals or energies that may cause harm.

The thorns and berries from buckthorn are incorporated into spell jars, sachets, or tied bundles to create an energetic seal, preventing toxic forces from interfering.

For those seeking to regain control over difficult situations, buckthorn can be used in rituals to ground chaotic energies and stabilize the practitioner’s influence.

Banishing rituals also benefit from buckthorn’s sharp, cutting energy, as it is believed to sever negative ties and drive away unwanted influences. Practitioners often burn buckthorn or scatter its thorns around the perimeter of a space to assert dominance over invasive energies.

Whether used in binding, banishing, or control rituals, buckthorn’s energy ensures that boundaries are maintained and harmful forces are neutralized, protecting the practitioner’s peace and stability.

7 Different Forms Of Buckthorn Used In Magical and Spiritual Practices

buckthorn with imagery of its 7 different forms used in magical and spiritual practices

Each form highlights the versatility of the magical properties of buckthorn, enabling practitioners to adapt its use to suit specific intentions in both magical and spiritual practices.

For a variety of buckthorn products including dried buckthorn bark, buckthorn oil, buckthorn powder, buckthorn berries, buckthorn herbal tea, and other buckthorn related products, please click on the following link to Amazon – Buckthorn products.

1. Dried Buckthorn Berries

Buckthorn berries are a staple in protection and prosperity magic. They are often carried in pouches or spell jars to ward off negativity and attract abundance. Their small size makes them perfect for discreet charms or offerings on altars.

2. Buckthorn Branches With Thorns

The thorny branches symbolize a powerful barrier against harm. They are hung above doors or windows to protect a home from evil spirits and negative influences. In binding spells, the thorns are used to metaphorically “pierce” and restrict unwanted energies.

3. Buckthorn Bark

The bark is widely used in purification and healing rituals. It can be burned as incense or steeped in water for spiritual baths to cleanse the aura and promote emotional balance. Its energy is deeply renewing, making it a favorite for rituals of transformation.

4. Buckthorn Powder

Ground from dried berries or bark, the powder is sprinkled around homes or sacred spaces for protection and purification. It is also used to draw sigils or magical symbols on altars or candles to amplify intent. Blended with other ingredients, it enhances spellwork for justice or prosperity.

5. Buckthorn Incense

Made from dried bark or berries, the incense is burned to cleanse spaces and banish negativity. It creates a sacred atmosphere for rituals, meditation, and divination practices. The smoke is believed to carry away stagnant or harmful energies.

6. Buckthorn Oil

Infused oil is used to anoint candles, tools, or the body during spells for protection, intuition, or abundance. The oil is especially potent in rituals seeking to enhance spiritual awareness or manifest intentions. It can also be used in healing practices to align physical and spiritual energies.

7. Buckthorn Tea or Elixir

Though traditionally medicinal, buckthorn tea is sometimes used in rituals to harness its renewing and cleansing energy. Sipped during meditation, it aids in emotional detox and clarity. Caution is advised due to its strong properties, ensuring it is safe for magical or physical use.

7 Detailed Sample Spells And Rituals That Include BuckThorn


The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only.  Occult properties of herbs and essential oils are provided for historical interest only.  For possible treatments of physical or mental diseases, please seek a trained and licensed health professional.  Enchanted Aromatics is not responsible for any adverse side effects resulting from the use of any suggestions, products, preparations, or procedures mentioned or from the following historical uses of herbs and essential oils.

Feel free to modify these rituals to meet your own needs.  The best spell or ritual is one that you create, not one you copy from a web page or a book. Let these examples serve as a source of inspiration, helping you identify what resonates the most with you.

 1. Buckthorn Protection Spell 

To create a protective barrier around yourself, your home, or a loved one. 

This spell combines the natural protective energy of buckthorn with the amplifying properties of fire and intention, creating a powerful and personalized shield against negativity.

buckthorn being used in a magical or spiritual protection ritual or spellMaterials:

  • Dried buckthorn berries (a small handful)
  • Black tourmaline or obsidian crystal (optional for added protection)
  • A white or black candle
  • A small pouch or jar
  • Sage or incense for cleansing (optional)

Ritual Steps:

  • Prepare Your Space:  Begin by cleansing your space with sage or incense to remove any lingering negative energy. Set up your materials on a clean, sacred surface.

  • Light the Candle:  Light the white or black candle to symbolize protection and purity. Place it in the center of your workspace.

  • Create Your Protection Pouch or Jar:  Take the dried buckthorn berries and place them into the pouch or jar. As you do, visualize the berries forming a shield of energy around you or the space you wish to protect. If you’re using a protective crystal, add it to the pouch or jar.

  • Speak Your Intention:  Hold the pouch or jar in your hands and say the following (or adapt to your personal needs):

By the power of buckthorn, sharp and true, Protect me now in all I do. Shield me from harm, by thorn and might, Guard my spirit, day and night.

Focus on the feeling of being surrounded by a strong, impenetrable barrier of protective energy.

  • Seal the Spell:  Hold the pouch or jar over the candle’s flame (at a safe distance) and say:

As I seal this spell, so shall it be. Protection surrounds and safeguards me.

Visualize the energy of the candle infusing the pouch or jar with power.

  • Place or Carry the Charm:
    Once the ritual is complete, place the pouch or jar near your front door, under your bed, or in a place where you feel most vulnerable. If the spell is for personal protection, carry the pouch with you in a pocket or bag.

Optional Enhancements

  • Add a sprig of rosemary or a pinch of salt to enhance the protective properties.
  • Draw a protective sigil on the outside of the jar or pouch for additional power.

 2. Buckthorn Purification Ritual 

To cleanse and purify your energy or space, removing negativity and restoring balance.

This purification ritual leverages buckthorn’s natural power to cleanse, combined with the transformative element of fire and the calming essence of water. It’s an effective way to clear your space or energy and restore harmony.

buckthorn being used in a magical or spiritual purification ritual or spellMaterials:

  • Dried buckthorn bark or berries (a handful)
  • A white candle
  • A heat-safe bowl or cauldron
  • Sage, palo santo, or purification incense (optional)
  • A bowl of water (optional, for added cleansing)
  • Matches or a lighter

Ritual Steps:

  • Prepare the Space:  Begin by tidying your area to create a sacred space for the ritual. Light sage, palo santo, or purification incense to clear the energy around you. Set your materials on a clean surface.

  • Light the Candle:  Light the white candle to symbolize purity and divine light. Place it in the center of your workspace as a focal point.

  • Activate the Buckthorn:  Hold the dried buckthorn bark or berries in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize them glowing with a golden light, charged with the power to cleanse and purify.

  • Burn the Buckthorn:  Place the buckthorn in the heat-safe bowl or cauldron. Carefully light it using the candle flame or a match. As the buckthorn begins to smolder, visualize the smoke carrying away negativity and stagnant energy from your space or body.

  • Speak Your Intention:  Stand or sit in front of the bowl and say the following (or adapt to your personal intention):

Buckthorn strong, by fire’s light, Remove all shadows, clear my sight. Cleanse this space, my spirit renew, Let only peace and light shine through.

Imagine the smoke weaving through every corner of the room or around your body, washing away all unwanted energy.

  • Optional Water Cleansing:  If you’re using a bowl of water, dip your fingers into it after the buckthorn has burned. Sprinkle the water around the space or anoint yourself by touching your forehead, heart, or hands. This reinforces the purification and symbolizes renewal.

  • Close the Ritual:  Extinguish the candle safely, thanking it for its guidance and light. Dispose of the ashes from the burned buckthorn outside, releasing the negativity far from your home.

Optional Enhancements

  • Add rosemary or lavender to the burning buckthorn for enhanced purification.
  • Play soothing music or chant softly to elevate the ritual’s energy.
  • Repeat this ritual monthly or whenever you feel weighed down by negativity.

 3. Buckthorn Legal Success Spell 

To support justice and fairness in legal matters or disputes, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome.

This legal success spell draws on buckthorn’s powerful energy for fairness and justice, combining it with complementary elements to ensure a positive and balanced outcome.

buckthorn being used in a magical or spiritual legal success ritual or spellMaterials:

  • Dried buckthorn berries (7 for symbolic balance and justice)
  • A green or white candle (green for success, white for fairness)
  • A small pouch or charm bag
  • A pinch of dried basil (for success)
  • A small piece of paper and pen
  • A heat-safe bowl or cauldron
  • Matches or a lighter

Ritual Steps:

  • Create a Sacred Space:  Begin by cleansing your space with sage, palo santo, or any purification incense. Sit in a calm, quiet area where you won’t be disturbed.

  • Light the Candle:  Light the green or white candle and place it in the center of your workspace. Focus on its flame, visualizing it as a beacon of fairness and success.

  • Write Your Intention:  On the piece of paper, write a brief description of the legal matter or dispute you’re facing. Be clear and concise, focusing on a just resolution (e.g., “May fairness prevail in [specific matter] for the highest good of all involved”).

  • Charge the Buckthorn Berries:  Hold the buckthorn berries in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize them glowing with golden energy, charged with justice and fairness. Say:

By the power of buckthorn’s might, Bring justice clear, and wrongs made right. With balance true and fairness near, Success and peace shall now appear.

Imagine the berries absorbing your intention and the energy of the candle flame.

  • Assemble the Charm Bag:  Place the charged buckthorn berries, the piece of paper, and the pinch of dried basil into the small pouch or charm bag. Tie it tightly, sealing your intention inside.

  • Seal the Spell:  Hold the charm bag over the candle flame (at a safe distance) and say:

As I seal this spell, so let it be, Justice and fairness surround me. Success shall follow in all I do, With harm to none, and balance true.

Visualize the flame infusing the bag with success and fairness.

  • Use the Charm Bag:  Carry the charm bag with you to court, meetings, or any place where the legal matter is being addressed. Alternatively, keep it near relevant documents or in a sacred place to continuously channel its energy.

  • Close the Ritual:  Extinguish the candle safely and give thanks for the energy and guidance. Dispose of any leftover ashes or materials outside, releasing the spell into the universe.

Optional Enhancements

  • Add tiger’s eye or citrine to the charm bag for enhanced confidence and clarity.
  • Burn frankincense or myrrh during the ritual to connect with divine justice.
  • Repeat the incantation daily while holding the charm bag to reinforce the spell.

 4. Buckthorn Prosperity and Abundance Spell 

To attract financial success, growth, and opportunities into your life.

This prosperity spell uses buckthorn’s natural energy for growth and wealth, combined with complementary herbs and symbols to amplify your intentions. Let it draw opportunities and abundance into your life.

buckthorn being used in a magical or spiritual prosperity and abundance ritual or spellMaterials:

  • Dried buckthorn berries (a small handful)
  • A green candle (symbolizing wealth and abundance)
  • A coin or paper currency (a symbol of money)
  • A pinch of cinnamon (for prosperity)
  • A pinch of basil (for attracting success)
  • A small glass jar or pouch
  • Matches or a lighter

Ritual Steps:

  • Prepare Your Space:  Begin by cleansing your space with sage, palo santo, or purification incense to remove any negative energy. Set up your materials on a clean, sacred surface.

  • Light the Candle:  Light the green candle and place it in front of you. Focus on the flame and visualize it as a beacon of wealth, radiating abundance toward you.

  • Charge the Buckthorn Berries:  Hold the dried buckthorn berries in your hands. Close your eyes and envision them glowing with golden energy, charged with the power to attract prosperity. Say:

Buckthorn strong, by nature’s gift, Draw abundance, wealth, and lift. Open doors, bring treasures near, Prosperity flows, my path is clear.

Imagine the berries absorbing your intention and becoming magnets for abundance.

  • Assemble the Prosperity Jar or Pouch:  Place the charged buckthorn berries into the jar or pouch. Add the coin or currency, cinnamon, and basil. Each item amplifies the spell’s energy, symbolizing wealth, success, and opportunity.

  • Seal the Spell:  Hold the jar or pouch over the candle (at a safe distance) and say:

By the flame of green, this charm I seal, Wealth and fortune shall reveal. With gratitude true, abundance flows, As above, so below.

Visualize the energy of the candle infusing the jar or pouch with wealth-attracting power.

  • Place or Carry the Charm:  Once sealed, place the jar or pouch on your altar, in a financial corner of your home (such as near your wallet or safe), or in a workspace to attract prosperity. Alternatively, carry it with you to encourage financial opportunities throughout the day.

  • Close the Ritual:  Safely extinguish the candle and give thanks for the energy of the elements and the materials used. Let the charm work its magic as you focus on positive thoughts and actions aligned with abundance.

Optional Enhancements

  • Add a citrine crystal to the jar or pouch for enhanced manifestation power.
  • Write an affirmation of abundance (e.g., “Money flows freely to me”) and include it in the charm.
  • Sprinkle a few drops of essential oils like patchouli or bergamot for added prosperity energy.

 5. Buckthorn Healing and Renewal Ritual 

To promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and foster a sense of renewal and balance.

This ritual leverages buckthorn’s renewing energy, combined with water’s cleansing properties and candlelight’s symbolic healing power, to bring balance and restoration to your life.

buckthorn being used in a magical or spiritual healing and renewal ritual or spellMaterials:

  • Dried buckthorn bark or berries (a small handful)
  • A blue or white candle (blue for healing, white for purity)
  • A bowl of warm water or a bath
  • Essential oil (optional, such as lavender or eucalyptus for added calming energy)
  • A small piece of paper and a pen
  • Matches or a lighter

Ritual Steps:

  • Prepare the Space:  Begin by creating a calm, sacred space. Light incense, play soothing music, or simply sit in silence. Set up your materials near the bowl of warm water or your bath.

  • Light the Candle:  Light the blue or white candle and place it in a safe spot where it can remain undisturbed. Focus on the flame, visualizing it radiating a gentle, healing light that surrounds you.

  • Write Your Intention:  On the piece of paper, write down what you wish to heal or renew (e.g., “I release old pain and invite peace and restoration” or “I heal my heart and mind, allowing light to flow through me”).

  • Charge the Buckthorn:  Hold the buckthorn bark or berries in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize them glowing with golden and green light, representing their healing and renewing energy. Say:

Buckthorn pure, of healing art, Restore my soul, renew my heart. With nature’s strength, I am whole, Balanced body, mind, and soul.

Feel their energy merging with your intention.

  • Add to the Water:  Place the charged buckthorn into the bowl of warm water or sprinkle it into your bath. Add a few drops of essential oil if desired. Stir the water clockwise with your hand, visualizing it filling with light and renewal.

  • Immerse Yourself in Healing Energy:

For a Bowl: Dip your hands into the water and gently wash your face, arms, or other areas while focusing on releasing tension and inviting healing.

For a Bath: Submerge yourself in the water and relax, visualizing the healing energy flowing through your body, mind, and spirit. Imagine all negativity dissolving into the water and being replaced with peace and strength.

  • Seal the Ritual:  When you feel ready, say:

With buckthorn’s power, this spell is done, Renewal and healing have begun. From nature’s light, I rise anew, Strong and whole, through and through.

Extinguish the candle safely and thank the elements or energies you called upon.

  • Dispose of the Water:  If using a bowl, pour the water outside onto the earth to return the energy to nature. If you took a bath, drain the water with gratitude for its healing power.

Optional Enhancements

  • Add calming herbs like chamomile or rose petals for enhanced relaxation.
  • Meditate during the ritual, focusing on the areas of your life or body that need healing.
  • Repeat affirmations like “I am whole, I am healed, I am renewed” to reinforce the energy of the ritual.

 6. Buckthorn Guidance and Vision Ritual 

To enhance intuition, open your third eye, and connect with spiritual guidance or higher realms.

This ritual uses buckthorn’s connection to spiritual guidance and vision, combined with reflective tools and calming energies, to unlock insights and strengthen your intuitive abilities.

buckthorn being used in a magical or spiritual guidance and vision ritual or spellMaterials:

  • Dried buckthorn berries or bark (a small handful)
  • A purple or indigo candle (symbolizing intuition and spiritual insight)
  • A piece of amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal (optional, for third-eye activation)
  • A small mirror or bowl of water (for scrying or reflective meditation)
  • Lavender or mugwort incense (optional, to enhance intuition)
  • Matches or a lighter

Ritual Steps:

  • Prepare Your Sacred Space:  Begin by cleansing your space with lavender or mugwort incense. Place your materials on a clean surface where you can work uninterrupted. Dim the lights or create a softly lit atmosphere to enhance focus.

  • Light the Candle:  Light the purple or indigo candle and place it in the center of your workspace. Focus on the flame, visualizing it as a gateway to higher realms and spiritual clarity.

  • Charge the Buckthorn:  Hold the dried buckthorn berries or bark in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize them glowing with a deep indigo light, resonating with your third eye and intuition. Say:

Buckthorn, guide with wisdom true, Open my mind to visions new. Through realms unseen, my spirit flies, Show me truth with open eyes.

Feel the energy of the buckthorn aligning with your intention for guidance and clarity.

  • Activate the Mirror or Bowl of Water:  Place the mirror or bowl of water before the candle. Hold your hands over it and imagine the indigo light from the buckthorn and the candle filling the reflective surface. Say:

Through this portal, visions flow, What I seek, I shall now know.

This prepares the reflective surface as a tool for scrying or meditation.

  • Meditate or Scry for Guidance:  Gaze into the flame of the candle and then shift your focus to the mirror or water. Relax your mind and allow images, symbols, or feelings to arise. Trust your intuition and the messages you receive. If using a crystal, hold it in your hand or place it on your forehead to deepen your connection.

  • Record Your Insights:  After your meditation or scrying session, write down any visions, thoughts, or impressions that came to you. These may provide clarity or guidance on your current situation.

  • Seal the Ritual:  Hold the buckthorn over the candle flame (at a safe distance) and say:

I thank the light, the realms unseen, For wisdom clear and visions keen. With buckthorn’s aid, my path is shown, I walk with trust, my spirit grown.

Extinguish the candle safely and express gratitude for the guidance received.

Optional Enhancements

  • Add mugwort tea to your ritual to further stimulate intuition and enhance dream recall.
  • Perform this ritual on a new moon or during a waxing moon phase to align with fresh beginnings and growth.
  • Incorporate soft chanting or meditation music to deepen your trance-like state.

 7. Buckthorn Binding and Control Spell 

To restrict harmful influences, bind negativity, or maintain control over chaotic situations.

This binding spell harnesses buckthorn’s sharp, restrictive energy to neutralize harmful influences while ensuring your intent remains ethical and balanced.

buckthorn being used in a magical or spiritual binding and control ritual or spellMaterials:

  • Dried buckthorn thorns or bark (a small handful)
  • A black or white candle (black for binding, white for purity of intention)
  • A piece of black thread or cord
  • A small piece of paper and pen
  • A heat-safe bowl or cauldron
  • Matches or a lighter

Ritual Steps:

  • Prepare Your Space:  Begin by cleansing your space with sage, rosemary, or another purification herb to ensure the area is free of negativity. Place your materials on a clean and sacred surface.

  • Light the Candle:  Light the black or white candle and place it in the center of your workspace. Focus on its flame, visualizing it as a source of controlled energy that will bind and neutralize the harmful influence.

  • Write Down the Target or Issue:  On the piece of paper, write the name of the person, situation, or energy you wish to bind. Be specific but concise, focusing on what needs to be restricted or neutralized.

  • Charge the Buckthorn:  Hold the buckthorn thorns or bark in your hands. Visualize them glowing with a protective, binding energy. Say:

Buckthorn sharp, your power I weave, Bind what harms and let me breathe. Restrict, contain, and harm undo, With harm to none, this spell is true.

Feel the energy of the buckthorn aligning with your intent.

  • Bind the Target:  Wrap the piece of paper with the black thread or cord, symbolizing the binding of the harmful influence. As you wrap, say:

By this thread, I tie and bind, Harmful forces now confined. Restricted here, you’ll cause no harm, Your power ends within this charm.

Focus on the cord tightening energetically around the situation or influence, preventing it from causing further harm.

  • Burn the Buckthorn and Paper:  Place the bound paper and some of the buckthorn in the heat-safe bowl or cauldron. Carefully light them using the candle flame. As the smoke rises, visualize the harmful energy dissolving and being neutralized. Say:

As this burns, so it shall be, Bound and broken, harm flees from me.

Let the ashes cool, then dispose of them outside, far from your home, as a symbol of releasing the negativity.

  • Close the Ritual:  Extinguish the candle safely and thank the elements, energies, or deities you called upon. Take a moment to ground yourself by sitting in silence or drinking water.

Optional Enhancements

  • Add protective herbs like rosemary, sage, or black salt to amplify the binding’s effectiveness.
  • Perform this spell during a waning moon for increased banishing power.
  • Draw a protective sigil on the paper before wrapping it for extra energy.

Precautions and Considerations When Using The Magical Properties Of Buckthorn in Magical and Spiritual Rituals

buckthorn bush with a caution sign superimposed over it

By keeping these precautions and considerations in mind, you can work safely and effectively with buckthorn in your magical and spiritual practices.

  • Avoid Ingestion Without Knowledge:
    Buckthorn can have strong laxative properties and may be toxic if improperly prepared. Always consult a qualified herbalist or medical professional before ingesting buckthorn in any form.

  • Work with Intention and Ethics:
    When using buckthorn for binding, banishing, or controlling spells, ensure your intentions are clear, ethical, and free of malice. Avoid interfering with someone’s free will unless absolutely necessary for protection.

  • Test for Allergies:
    If using buckthorn bark or berries in baths, oils, or topical applications, perform a patch test to ensure you are not allergic or sensitive to it.

  • Use Fire Safely:
    Many rituals involving buckthorn require burning it. Always use a heat-safe container or cauldron, and keep water or sand nearby to extinguish flames if necessary.

  • Dispose of Ritual Remains Properly:
    After rituals, safely dispose of ashes, used items, or water outside, away from your home, to prevent lingering energy from returning.

  • Respect the Plant’s Energy:
    Buckthorn is a powerful plant with both protective and restrictive energies. Approach it with respect and gratitude for its assistance in your work.

  • Avoid Overuse:
    Buckthorn’s energy is strong and direct. Using it too frequently or excessively may disrupt balance in your practice. Use it only when its properties are specifically aligned with your intentions.

  • Consider Astrological Timing:
    For best results, align your use of buckthorn with appropriate moon phases or planetary energies. For example, use during the waning moon for banishing and binding or during the waxing moon for protection and prosperity.

  • Keep Away from Children and Pets:
    Buckthorn’s berries and bark may be harmful if ingested by children or animals. Store it in a safe place out of reach.

  • Be Mindful of Local Laws and Sustainability:
    If harvesting buckthorn in the wild, ensure it is legal in your area and that you’re collecting in a sustainable manner, taking only what you need.

  • Balance It with Complementary Energies:
    Buckthorn’s sharp and protective qualities may benefit from pairing with softer, calming herbs (like lavender) or grounding materials (like hematite) to maintain energetic balance.

  • Ground Yourself After Rituals:
    Buckthorn’s intense energy can leave you feeling drained or overstimulated. Always ground yourself after rituals by meditating, eating, or spending time in nature.

7 Additional Magical Properties Of Buckthorn That Expand Its Versatility In Spiritual And Magical Practices

buckthorn bush surrounded by magical symbology.

These additional properties highlight buckthorn’s incredible versatility and its ability to enhance and protect various aspects of magical and spiritual practices.

  1. Protection During Travel
    Buckthorn is believed to safeguard travelers on physical and spiritual journeys. Carrying a charm with buckthorn berries can ward off accidents, delays, and negative energy while traveling. In spiritual journeys, it helps maintain focus and protection, ensuring a safe return from astral or dream explorations.

  2. Hex-Breaking
    Buckthorn is a powerful ally in removing hexes, curses, or unwanted spells. Burning buckthorn with protective herbs like sage clears lingering magical imprints. It can also be included in uncrossing spells or baths to cleanse personal energy and neutralize harmful magical effects.

  3. Spiritual Cleansing of Objects
    Buckthorn can cleanse the energy of ritual tools, crystals, or heirlooms. Soaking objects in water infused with buckthorn bark or passing them through buckthorn smoke purifies them of unwanted attachments, making them energetically neutral and ready for use in positive rituals.

  4. Guardian for Thresholds
    Placed near doorways, windows, or property boundaries, buckthorn serves as a guardian, blocking malevolent forces or energy from entering. Its presence creates a magical barrier, ensuring only positive influences can pass, making it ideal for home or sacred space protection.

  5. Dream Protection and Clarity
    Buckthorn supports restful, protected sleep and vivid, meaningful dreams. Placing dried buckthorn berries under your pillow or near your bed wards off nightmares and promotes dream recall. It is particularly useful for those practicing lucid dreaming or seeking guidance through dreamwork.

  6. Ancestral Connection
    Buckthorn aids in rituals to connect with ancestors or the spirit world. Its energy creates a protected space for communication, making it a valuable addition to altars or offerings dedicated to ancestral work. Burn buckthorn incense during ceremonies to invite their wisdom.

  7. Energy Amplification
    In spellwork, buckthorn acts as an energy booster, enhancing the potency of other herbs or crystals it is paired with. Adding it to spell jars, sachets, or ritual fires amplifies the overall strength of the intention, making it particularly useful in high-stakes magical workings.

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36 Colored Tapered CandlesCheck On AmazonIncludes 36 colored candlesticks (12 colors), each measuring 5" in height and 1/2" in diameter, 6 well-fitting mini candle holders, 12 parchments, a detailed guidebook, and an e-book—everything you need in one package
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The magical properties of buckthorn make it a powerful and versatile ally in spiritual and magical practices, providing protection, cleansing, guidance, and transformative energy.

With its rich history and diverse applications, buckthorn is an invaluable addition to rituals and spells. Whether you seek to shield your space, attract prosperity, amplify energy, or connect with spiritual realms, the magical properties of buckthorn can enhance and empower your practice.

By incorporating buckthorn into your practice, you tap into a natural source of strength and balance that complements a wide range of intentions.

As you work with this potent plant, its energy not only supports your goals but also deepens your connection to the ancient traditions and wisdom it carries.

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your magical journey, buckthorn has the potential to elevate your craft and empower your intentions.

If you are interested in learning about some general magickal properties of other essential oils and herbs, check out my article15 Magical Properties of Essential Oils“.  

If you know of other magical properties of buckthorn or different ways in which you use buckthorn on your spiritual journey, I would love to hear from you so I may incorporate what you share in this article.

Attribution of imagery

The title image of the buckthorn bush is a modified image that can be found here licensed AnemoneProjectors via Wikimedia commons license.

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